Wednesday, October 21, 2015

DIY Sims Plumbobs

     Well everyone, it's that time of year again.  Halloween is almost here!  Our last celebratory party holiday that acts as a kickoff for the holiday season.  Before you know it you'll be stuffing your face with Turkey and panicking about the fact that you have not bought a single gift for anyone on your list. Already I can feel the panic rising.  Ahh holidays.

    But before all of that happens my fellow procrastinators, we need to figure out what we're going to be for Halloween. 

    If you're like me then your costume is still in that vague planning stage.  This is the point where I start to freak out because all of those grand plans that I had for my Halloween costume start to become obsolete as time is the one thing I've run out of. 

    So here's an easy DIY costume for those lacking in time.  This costume is great because you can literally wear whatever you want with it.  Wear your work clothes, wear a bathing suit, wear a onesie, go naked (just make sure to pixelate your naughty bits!).  In the Sims universe it doesn't matter.

Tutorial Time:

Step 1

Gather your materials:

- Two 4" Styrofoam cones            - Green Paint                     - Large screw
- Toothpicks                                    - Headband                        - Sharp flat knife
- Modpodge                                     - 1 Spool of thin wire        - Black electrical tape

Step 2 

     Stick 3 toothpicks about halfway into the base of one of the cones.  Then dollop in some Modpodge evenly so that the base is coated in it.  Line the cones up and slowly push them together.  Make sure the toothpicks go into the other rather than just sinking farther into the original one.   The toothpicks will be the framework and the Modpodge will keep it all stuck together.  I was able to get mine to stick on the first try, but this may take some finagling to properly line it up.  



Step 3

  ***This part is pretty messy.  You may want to move to an area that will be easy to clean up.  Or put down some newspaper to do this over.

     For this step, you're going to begin shaving your foam into a diamond shape.  Use the knife to slice off sections at a time until you slowly start to form a hexagon shape.  I did one side first so that I could simply match my second cone to the first.  Don't get discouraged.  This will take some time. 

    Mine weren't completely symmetrical, but that's no reason to fret.   I just kept shaving until I was happy with the shape.

Step 4

    Now you're going to completely Modpodge over your creation.  Make sure you fill in all of the Styrofoam pores as much as possible as this will make the painting process much easier.  Styrofoam absorbs paint.  Let this dry for 24 hours.

Step 5

     Now you get to paint your creation!  I always go with Acrylic paint as it's the fastest drying with the most even results.  I chose a really bright poison green for mine and ended up having to do two coats.  The Modpodge did block most of the holes, but still that dang Styrofoam ended up sucking up a lot of my paint.

 ***This is also the point where I entered panic mode.  So unfortunately I don't have anymore progress pictures.  I started this project the night before we had a Halloween party and well, I finished with about 20 minutes to spare.

Step 6

   Once your Plumbob is fully dry you're going to need to attach it to your headband. I took my very large screw and stuck it as far as I could into the bottom of my Plumbob, this creates something sturdy for your wire to attach to. 

 Step 7

     Next I Pulled about a 2 foot length of wire from my spool.  I estimated the center and wrapped it around the screw head so that there was about 8" left on either side.  This I wrapped around the headband so that the Plumbob was sturdily attached to the headband.

(Final) Step 8

    Finally I wrapped black electrical tape around the wire and screw base to cover up the wire and hold everything in place.  I really just didn't want any stray wire poking me in the head. 

Finished Product

     I actually made two of these so that my boyfriend and I could do the cutesy couple thing.  I was really pleased with the results and loved that I could wear whatever I wanted with this. 

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